Friday, December 11, 2009

The House Art

I'm really not afraid of heights only when i'm on very high buildings, i can feel a spinning sensation or dizziness which triggered by looking down from a high place. Yesterday, when we put our paintings on our high ceiling, we need a very long ladder to reach the wall. It will not work for dirk because of his weight, so we ask the clubhouse staff to do it for us.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back to my Roots

On the way to Tutuban mall yesterday, we decided spontaneously to visit my relatives in Sampaloc, Manila where i first saw the light in this world. I haven't been there for quite a long time and there are lots of changes. Gone are our old two-storey house and the former neighbors as well.

My uncle still lives there with his family, he cried upon seeing us. It's an emotional reunion for us inlcuding our old neghbors who don't recognized us at first. We left the place 23 years ago and moved to San Pedro, Laguna. My mother always wanted a place that is not congested and free of pollution.

We also passed Legarda Elementary School where i graduated my elementary education and the Trabajo market. I'm really very happy to visit the place where my wings started to expand.

Monday, December 7, 2009

McHappy Day Fun Run

Last November 30, McDonalds Philippines hold a Mchappy fun run at the Fort. It was attended by its employees and family fambers. My daughter Rose Belle was just promoted as second assistant manager attended the event with her son Kim. My niece Mavic who is now a restaurant manager came with her family as well.

During the Fun run, my grandson Kim won third place in the 5 kilometer run. He received 1k gift check from McDonalds. Showbiz personalities Angel Locsin, Charice Pempengco and Phoemela Baranda also graced the affair.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas is Giving

Last night, volunteers from a medical mission group came to our house to solicit donations by singing christmas carols. They have a very nice voice and their performance lasted for about 30 minutes. The proceeds of their caroling will go to the foundation for which they conduct medical mission to poor families in the remote areas. For me, the true meaning of christmas is sharing and giving to the less fortunates.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bonding with my Daughters

Last wednesday, i have some bonding moments with three of my daughters and baby jaimee. It's really a good feeling to spend some time with them because of their busy schedules.

We have a late lunch at Super Bowl, a chinese restaurant and shopped at SM for food and household items.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Seagulls Cup

Yesterday, dirk and our neighbors Brian, Steve and Ochia joined the 4th Seagulls Cup at Tagaytay Highlands. It was participated by 70 golfers of different race but majority are Filipinos. They seemed to enjoy the tournament and they all won raffle prizes from the sponsors. Dirk won a golf bag which cost around 100 euro, not bad at all.

Lunch after the tournament

The night before the tournament, we have a get together at Sawyer's house where we have lots of fun.

Back in the Blogosphere

For the past days, i was not able to blog due to some tamaditis or laziness. I declared saturday a "me day" by having foot spa, pedicure, manicure and some shopping. Pampering myself is a must for me.

Last sunday, i became a spontaneous godmother to four month old Nina Ricci, a daughter of a family friend. There are around 150 guests in the combined catering and home cooking, typical filipino tradition inviting relatives, friends and neighbors. I was not able to take picture in the reception because the battery of my camera was empty.

Yesterday, we're at Greenbelt park in makati after visiting a german friend. They're fascinated that there are lot of greens inside a busy business district. It's a good feeling to say a little prayer at the round greenbelt church once again.