Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back in the Blogosphere

For the past days, i was not able to blog due to some tamaditis or laziness. I declared saturday a "me day" by having foot spa, pedicure, manicure and some shopping. Pampering myself is a must for me.

Last sunday, i became a spontaneous godmother to four month old Nina Ricci, a daughter of a family friend. There are around 150 guests in the combined catering and home cooking, typical filipino tradition inviting relatives, friends and neighbors. I was not able to take picture in the reception because the battery of my camera was empty.

Yesterday, we're at Greenbelt park in makati after visiting a german friend. They're fascinated that there are lot of greens inside a busy business district. It's a good feeling to say a little prayer at the round greenbelt church once again.

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