Monday, April 19, 2021

My New Health Essentials

 Aside from my bp machine, oximeter,  thermometer and other devices, i also have a nebulizer and a breathing exerciser. I wanted to boost my lungs because since i was a toddler, i am already diagnosed with a rheumatic heart and primary complex in lungs especially on the left side. With the increasing number of covid cases everyday, i need to protect myself and boost my immune system. I regularly do a health check every morning and started to eat vegetables and fish. I am also in the process of buying an oxygen tank just in case i have my asthma attack.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Sister's Bonding

Its now modiefied ECQ so i was able to drive yesterday at  BudLhed's house in San Pedro .  Though there are four families afflicted with COVID inside the subdivision, i just take extra precautions by not staying there longer. My sister came with her hubby to visit the house and i also signed some documents with regards to the new acquired property of Belle. I also got some vegetables and my brod in law bought some takeouts at Shakeys. 

By the way, Kim, my grandson in Canada celebrated his birthday with just a simple lunch at korean restaurant. He turned 19 last April 8 and i just wanted to wish him all the very best and hope he can balanced working and studying soon.

Covid cases are still rising despite all the measures done by our government and the vaccine rollout. I limit my errand to the grocery store by storing more foods and other essentials...

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thanking God

 Thank God that the second dose of Covid 19 vaccine for Buddy and Lhed is already finished. We already registered for the vaccine and i admit that i still have a second thought about it because of my existing conditions. But of course the advantage outweighs the side effects and its for our own protection. Anyway, we still had to undergo screening before the vaccination proper and hopefully we both passed the health evaluation...

We experienced health scare when my daughter Belle experienced some symptoms but thank God, the result is negative..

I thank God that the wounds of King is slowly getting healed..

Despite the ECQ, most of the restaurants are still open for take out /deliveries and i thank God that we can still eat our favorite foods though i always cooked sometimes...

I am very grateful for my daughter Belle for providing all our needs even our herbal teas. She send it thru the balikbayan boxes all the way from canada to here. Thanking God that all her boxes arrived in good conditions...

Above all, we thank God for the gift of life and the good life. I just wish that this pandemic will end soon that we can all go back to our normal lives and enjoy life. Also i am very grateful to the Lord for the gift of family and friends and of course for always protecting us especially in this difficult times.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Lenten Season

Lenten season is a time for deepening our spiritual life through the means of sanctification offered us by the Church, fasting, prayer and almsgiving. And the basis of everything is the word of God which during this season we are all invited to hear and ponder more deeply. Today, Easter sunday and true to his promise our saviour Jesus Christ had risen. Amidst this pandemic, with God's help we will all rise from this problem. Though still under ECQ, Happy Easter everyone...


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Panic Buying Again

 Our area is placed again under Enhanced Community Quarantine and the people started to stock up on groceries and other essentials. It will just be a week but as if its forever for them. Everyday the number of covid cases are increasing and the government must control the mobility of the people, thus the ECQ. If we are only disciplined enough and following the health protocols there will be no surge. Anyway, its not only here but globally because of the new covid variants. For me, i don't panic nor hoard food items but just pray that this pandemic will end soon.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Back to GCQ

 This pandemic is getting worst because of the new corona virus variants.  The number of cases is increasing everyday and the hospitals are now on full capacity. NCR, Laguna, Cavite and other places are back to General Community Quarantine to lessen the transmission. So Dirk is back to a stay at home mode but its for his safety. People are already experiencing pandemic fatigue, thus they forgot following health and safety protocols. I just hope that this government move will further avoid transmission. I was at Nuvali, doing some errands and its again deserted, no more restaurants dine in but outside is ok and take outs. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Our Mango Tree

 Our mango tree in the new property is now bearing fruits. But the mangoes is the smallest of all varieties called pahutan. Anyway, tending to our mini farm just add to my activities nowadays....