Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Family Games

The enhanced community quarantine has been extended till end of this month which means we will still stay at home for the protection and safety of everyone. Anyway, my kids and grandkids just indulge themselves with games considering they are in different locations to while away the time during the lockdown period.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Family in Time of Crisis

Its really a very difficult and trying times not only to my family but for everyone worldwide. With this corona virus spreading very fast, we didn't all know who is our enemy. We are in a lockdown and stay at home mode to be safe. Me and Dirk are vurnerable to the disease because of our pre existing conditions. I only go out to buy important things and somehow we are coping up. My kids and grandkids are also just staying at home which is the best for everyone. Even my daughters abroad are doing the same, its a worldwide problem and we should just oblige with the guidelines. We also help others in our own little way while my family members is doing something to make them busy. We pray and hope that one day , we can return to our normal lives again. Thanks to my daughters Rose Belle and Astrid for their unending concern and financial help, teamwork is the key.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Aizza's Broken Arm

Coronavirus disease COVID19 is a virus identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. It now affects thousands of people around the world including the Philippines. It has a big impact on everyone, on the economy and even with my family. I just hope and pray that this virus will be contained amidst the lockdown made in the whole of Luzon. My children at the moment has no more work because of this pandemic and my daughter's arm operation was also affected. She is supposed to undergo the knife because of motorcycle accident but her attending doctor was also quarantined. The orthopedic operation of the hospital was also temporarily suspended because of the COVID19. I know these too shall pass and my daughter can bear the pain while awaiting for the hospital operation to resume.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Glammed Grandkids

Its junior and senior prom season once again and my grandson was dressed to the nines attending the school event. Even my grandaughters Mimi and Lyka also attended the Lantern Party in their school wearing their nice gowns and fully made up. How time flies, they are now grown ups and and my wish for them is to study hard so that they can make their parents proud and also fulfill their dreams.
By the way, our Chamcham is also growing fast and at four months is now trying to use a walker...

Help for Taal Victims

My friends sponsored again a relief operation for the victims of Taal eruptions. Though i was not able to help financially because of increasing household costs, i was able to spare my time helping them repacking the goods. In that way, that is my share to ease the predicaments of the people affected especially those living near the Volcano island.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Love and Hearts Day

First of all Happy Hearts Day everyone, valentines is two days ago but better late than never. My kids also show their love for me and their partners, but of course, the greatest love is from our Lord Jesus Christ...
Its a love month for humans but for our royal doggies, its grooming time courtesy of my son in law Joseph. I think the dogs are less stressed if the member of the family is doing it.... We love and care for our furrymates and in return they are loyal and loving.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Cutie Chamcham

My youngest granddaughter is now two months old and she's growing to be a very pretty baby....