Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My Family in Time of Crisis

Its really a very difficult and trying times not only to my family but for everyone worldwide. With this corona virus spreading very fast, we didn't all know who is our enemy. We are in a lockdown and stay at home mode to be safe. Me and Dirk are vurnerable to the disease because of our pre existing conditions. I only go out to buy important things and somehow we are coping up. My kids and grandkids are also just staying at home which is the best for everyone. Even my daughters abroad are doing the same, its a worldwide problem and we should just oblige with the guidelines. We also help others in our own little way while my family members is doing something to make them busy. We pray and hope that one day , we can return to our normal lives again. Thanks to my daughters Rose Belle and Astrid for their unending concern and financial help, teamwork is the key.

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