The famous Hamburg fish market which is a must-see when you're in Hamburg is in town. Hamburg is eight hours of driving from our place and 6 hours by express train. Though, not feeling well because of headache, i really drive to the city just to have a glimpse of this fishmarket. Parking is a big problem, my patience pays when there's one spot available in the level parking.
I've been to Hamburg several times and once in fish market where they open at 5AM till 9:30AM only. Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany is a major port, the harbor being the heart of the city. The male citizens in Hamburg are called Hamburger in German, and a female citizen Hamburgerin. However the people from Berlin are also called Berliner, which is actually also a donut. These names have nothing to do with the food description though, as you can probably imagine.
The highlight of the fish market are the marketers with their unique and funny patter. They scream your ears away. There are thousands of people who trooped to the city for this fish market and the once in a blue moon sunday 'shops open'
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