Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Lady of Manaoag

Last week, Our Lady of Manaoag also a title given to our blessed Virgin, visited my grandson's school, Mater Ecclesiae. She is the patroness of the sick, the helpless and the needy.

The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag purportedly has a long history of miraculous and pious events that are duplicated in the murals all over the church. This is done so that the events will never be forgotten. Devotees, coming from all over the globe, have various reasons for visiting the place among which are pleas for health restoration, good voyage, or better fate.

The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag is considered to be priceless because of the great identity it brings to the province of Pangasinan, but more interestingly because of its jeweled crown.

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