Sunday, January 17, 2010

KAPWA Sinulog Celebration

Yesterday, KAPWA, an organization of Filipinos here in Baden Württember held its second Sinulog celebration in Offenburg. A German Priest celebrated the mass in honor of our dear Santo Nino. The untiring effort and dedication of its President Tess Walter and members makes the celebration another huge success. The pictures below proved and speak for itself.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter Sale

Yesterday, i browsed around Offenburg to buy some household stuff. Most of the stores are on winter sale reducing their items up to 70%. But one thing is noticeable, there are very few shoppers on this stores. Maybe its still the effect of christmas spendings and here in Germany, the month of January had the most number of costs because of annual billings on basic services. Besides we still havent recovered from the worldwide economic crisis.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Plus and Minus

Even before our vacation in the Philippines, Dirk already started his losing weight program. He's following the menus written on the book, Losing Weight while Sleeping. With strict diet, more sports and twice a day swimming in our clubhouse pool, he lose 12 kilos. The result encouraged him more to lose more tons by swimming in an indoor hotel pool here in Offenburg. Hopefully, he can reach his target weight at the end of the year.

While Dirk lose some kilos, i gained more or less two kilos because of the delicious foods during the christmas holidays and excessive eating in restaurants in our country. I missed so much our Filipino dishes that i overeat, good that my weight is still within the normal range of the body mass index. To remove the excess kilos, i'm using again my threadmill.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We arrived here in Germany the other day and instead of green scenery and warm welcome from my family which is the usual scenario in the Philippine airport, cold, foggy and heavy snow welcomed us back here. We wanted to prolong our stay in our country but we have no choice, we need to fulfill some obligations and business commitments.

With our ten weeks vacation in the Philippines, who needs snow and cold weather, of course not for me and Dirk. Our body clock is slowly adjusting and we're soon back to our normal routine. On the day we arrived, we attended Joy's birthday and the next day, have lunch with her and Madam Jo at Guglhupf Restaurant in Offenburg.

I also browsed around the city and shopped some cosmetic items at DM.

We also shopped for our foods supplies and then drive to Lahr for coffee and dinner with the Kriz family. On the way there, the beauty of the black forest was turned into a winter wonderland.

Reunited Family

Last January 8, my son-in-law, Daryl who worked in Doha, Qatar arrived for a vacation. He was once again reunited with my daughter Rose Belle and my grandson Kim.
We have some bonding moments when we drive to SM for our last minute shopping and pampering before we leave for Germany.

My second mother Nanay N and Tatay Paul also visited us and even bring baked macaroni for us. They played a very important role in our lives after the death of my parents.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

All in One Day

We have the much awaited three C's yesterday, candles, coins and candies, i'm referring to our house blessing. We also celebrated the 15th birthday of my nephew Martin, despedida party and family get-together, all done yesterday.

The gay friends of my daughter also joined the fun-filled celebration.