Thursday, April 20, 2023

Chloe Ysabelle@1

 My youngest grand daughter Clong clong as we fondly called her celebrated her 1st birthday at Jollibee Umbria in Binan. It was attended by family and close friends who had fun in joining the parlor games. The kids are very happy because of the games and the presence of Jollibee mascot who entertained us to the fullest. My other children became emotional when my OFW daughters from Canada and Qatar showed up, they surprised everyone with their presence. We did not tell them that they arrived two days ago because they really wanted to surprised them. My children are again complete and i am the happiest mom blogger here. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Happy Easter Everyone !!!

 Today is Easter Sunday and Christ has Risen ..... Lets continue to be  good and do good to others.

Our Holy Week

 There are some good and sad events happened during the holy week. Though we stayed just at home during Lenten season as we are doing the past years, my daughter Rose Belle in Canada had a minor accident which led her to the operating table in Calgary hospital. Thanks God its not that serious but my heart hurt because of the pain she endured. If only the mother can take all the burden of her children, i will do it for them. Anyway, she missed her step in the school bus and slide on the icy road. I pray that she will be better and recover soon, God please help her.

On a lighter note, Taho or silken tofu with tapioca pearls and brown sugar syrup became Dirk's everyday favorite. I also like it and it brings lots of childhood memories in me.

Also, a stray cat is always on top of my car calling me, maybe she is hungry or wanted an attention from me...

Kim's Birthday

 My second to the oldest grandson Kim who is based in Canada celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday.  He had a very simple celebration with family and his partner Nica. I think Kim got matured because of her good influence to the birthday boy. Apo, my wish for you is hope you study hard, focus on the future, more blessings and happiness. Your mom and us are just here for you and we love you so dearly.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Balikbayan Boxes

 When we were still in Germany, i always send boxes of goodies to my kids. Now that we are permanently living here, its my daughter's turn to send stuff from Canada. Millions of overseas filipino workers does the same to make their families back home happy. Others will suggest why not send money and buy in the Philippines instead of goodies. As OFW myself, i find happiness buying something for my loved ones, packing and sending it.  And its a  priceless feeling when they received it and appreciates your effort.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Myra's Post Birthday Celebration

 My youngest sister Myra celebrated her 59th birthday in Taiwan which is a combination of work with pleasure. For her late birthday celebration with family, we had our sumptuous lunch at Mesa restaurant in Robinsons Galleria South last friday. She will be a senior citizen next year and will start enjoying discounts, privileges and perks of having dual citizenship as we called it. 


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Luis Birthday

 My grandson Lucky as we called him has simple birthday celebration at their home. Time flies so fast that he is now as big as his father and attending college.