Saturday, April 8, 2023

Our Holy Week

 There are some good and sad events happened during the holy week. Though we stayed just at home during Lenten season as we are doing the past years, my daughter Rose Belle in Canada had a minor accident which led her to the operating table in Calgary hospital. Thanks God its not that serious but my heart hurt because of the pain she endured. If only the mother can take all the burden of her children, i will do it for them. Anyway, she missed her step in the school bus and slide on the icy road. I pray that she will be better and recover soon, God please help her.

On a lighter note, Taho or silken tofu with tapioca pearls and brown sugar syrup became Dirk's everyday favorite. I also like it and it brings lots of childhood memories in me.

Also, a stray cat is always on top of my car calling me, maybe she is hungry or wanted an attention from me...

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