Saturday, February 12, 2022

Booster Shots Effects

 Yesterday, i have a follow up check up at my Cardiologist at Perpetual Help Medical Center. She did some adjustments on my medicines and i hope it works for me. I asked her if the booster shots really affects one's health especially if the person has heart ailment or comorbidities. She answered NO which is the answer i expected because doctors are the ones promoting that all vaccines are safe. Anyway, i got my booster shot last December 2 and after that day, i felt some side effects like being feverish. After two weeks, i felt that my heart is racing and experienced chest pains and palpitations. My heart rate goes up and my blood pressure is also high. I've never felt this before and i am thinking that something is wrong with my body. Until i experienced shortness of breath, vomiting, LBM, insomnia, edema or swelling of my body and legs. This leads to my hospitalization and i don't know that if its because of the vaccine or something else. Anyway, my daughter also suffered severe allergies in her whole body after taking the booster shot after two weeks. Is this just another coincidence or other health reason. Whatever it may be, booster shots is really important for added protection but i think if you have underlying heart conditions, you might think twice having it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Our Kind of Tuesday

 For the first time after my discharge in the hospital, i was able to go out of the house to do some errands. Our first stop was at Bureau of Immigration in Santa Rosa municipal hall, then banks, pick some stuff at South Forbes, visiting our San Jose property, shopping at S&R, pay insurance, association dues and lastly, coffee time with my south forbes friends. My walking is really not that good yet and my daughter Arianne serve as my crane.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Happy Birthday Mother and Brother in Heaven

 My mother and my only brother shared the same birth date, February 4. As usual i prayed the Holy Rosary for them and lighted a candle in the afternoon. We also had a small family gathering at my brother's house where my sister in law ordered some delicious foods. Because of some beliefs i did not join them going to the cemetery because i just got sick. At Everlasting Memorial they offered foods for my mother and brod Awe and flew white&pink baloons. They are already in heaven but they will be in our hearts forever especially on their birthdays. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dirk's New Friends

 My better half is now very much adjusted to our new surroundings. Dirk started his day by walking one block every day. Our neighbors already know him and some even befriended him. In the afternoon they have Juice Time with his newfound friends. He also likes buying street foods like siomai and shanghai. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Challenging Times

A lot of not so good happened to our family the past weeks, its just a start of the month but we were already faced with lots of health issues. Its a difficult challenge but we cling to God and HE really never fails us. I was amazed of the teamwork  my kids here and team abroad had done to me. I am proud of myself that i raised good kids and who loved their mother unconditionally. My heart is full of joy for all the caring  they have all done for me during my hospitalization. Its not yet my time, our Lord want them to have a mother, maybe i still have some other missions in life. To cut the story short, i was hospitalized due to the enlargement of the heart and my lungs accumulated fluids which makes my body swell all over.  Its really a traumatic experience but our strong faith and family strength works during this very difficult times. Some of the family members also got Corona Virus but thank God they are all now doing well. To my family, thank you very much for all your efforts and to our extended families and friends, a big THANK YOU to all.

 Anyway, because of some family trials, the day passed without greeting our January celebrants in the family. I did post some like Jarred, Lyka and King but my daughter Arianne and grandaughter Leila also had their birthdays . Happy birthday to all of you and thanks for the unending love and support during my trying times.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Health Scare

 I was battling pneumonia on both of my lungs for the past days. I first experienced the shortness of breath last weekend followed by fatigue and so on. I am thinking it might be Covid because most of the symptoms are the same. Its really very hard to do the normal routine and i am already grasping for my breath. Walking and talking is also a nightmare, soon i developed chills, LBM and lose my appetite. I decided to have some blood tests done, ECG, Xray, Aterial blood gas and RTPCR or swab test for covid 19. I am really nervous and the psychological effect of these symptoms are just traumatic. I hold on to prayers and i got my strength from my family here and there for support. My covid tests turned negative thanks God but both of my lungs had pneumonia. I thought that i will be relieved of the results but it turned out its just the start of my grueling experience. For two days i don't have sleep at all and i have to vomit and go to the toilet every 30 minutes. The toilet became my room literally and i have to push a spoon on my tongue to vomit more. My rib cage and back is sooo painful because of the unending travel to my toilet sanctuary. I sleep on my couch in a sitting position to avoid vomiting. My stomach stops accepting foods & water and my knees & muscles are trembling. My ordeal is not yet over because it takes a while to treat pneumonia. I just hope and pray that antibiotics will work well on me. I am really grateful for my family who are there for us, maybe God has decided for us to live here for family support. The number of covid cases with the new omicron variant is still increasing. We really need to be careful and follow health and safety protocols. Being fully vaccinated is a big help and most of all prayers & love of family is very important in these difficult times. Prayers to those who are suffering like me...

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Our King Turned 6

 Our royal doggy named King turned 6 on three kings. Time flies very fast and he is now a behaved and good dog...