Saturday, February 12, 2022

Booster Shots Effects

 Yesterday, i have a follow up check up at my Cardiologist at Perpetual Help Medical Center. She did some adjustments on my medicines and i hope it works for me. I asked her if the booster shots really affects one's health especially if the person has heart ailment or comorbidities. She answered NO which is the answer i expected because doctors are the ones promoting that all vaccines are safe. Anyway, i got my booster shot last December 2 and after that day, i felt some side effects like being feverish. After two weeks, i felt that my heart is racing and experienced chest pains and palpitations. My heart rate goes up and my blood pressure is also high. I've never felt this before and i am thinking that something is wrong with my body. Until i experienced shortness of breath, vomiting, LBM, insomnia, edema or swelling of my body and legs. This leads to my hospitalization and i don't know that if its because of the vaccine or something else. Anyway, my daughter also suffered severe allergies in her whole body after taking the booster shot after two weeks. Is this just another coincidence or other health reason. Whatever it may be, booster shots is really important for added protection but i think if you have underlying heart conditions, you might think twice having it.

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