Monday, January 3, 2022

Our New Year Celebrations

 Its our first time to celebrate New Year at Lhed and Budz house, its really different compared to what we always experienced in South Forbes. For the past 9 years, its always me and Dirk when the clock strikes at 12 but prior to that I always have dinner with friends. They are celebrating the coming of new year together and i had to leave early because of Dirk who is alone at home. Here in St. Raymond, you can feel the excitement of the people and i also had dinner with my sisters, son and nephews. New year is a family thing here, though we don't celebrate the coming of new year together because of safety reasons, we know that in our hearts we are one in spirit. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Happy New Year !!!

 Time flies so fast and we are now approaching a new year again. Thank God for all the blessings and may HE continue us to give us more protection & good health. Covid is far from over with the new variant and hopefully this year, a new ray of light and hope awaits all of us, may everyone have a blessed and prosperous new year !!!

Our New Simple Life

 Its been four days since we moved from south forbes to here in san pedro. Its quite challenging the moving out considering the number of stuff we got through the years. But thank God it was smooth and we only brings the essentials and all the heavy furnitures was left in the care of my friend. Those things that we don't need are in our attic. Life is full of uncertainties and we never know we might return there. In the meantime, we're just enjoying the simple life that we have and i feel closer to my family. I think its God's plan for us to be near our loved ones and enjoy the simple joys of life. Anyway, we are still a part of the SF community and we can still attend events/gatherings there, we are just half an hour and a private message away. In the meantime, we still go for lunchouts at a nearby mall and we are still in the process of exploring more areas for dining and shopping. Its just a matter of adjustment but we are flexible people and its not a big problem.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Everyone !!!

 I want to greet everyone a merry and a blessed Christmas. Last year we hardly felt the spirit of Christmas because of the corona virus. The true essence of this holiday season is more on giving, forgiving and sharing. Lets not forget our brothers and sisters who have less in life and prayers to those who are affected by super typhoon Odette. And may love and happiness reigns in every families on earth...

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dirk's Birthday and Christmas Party

 Yesterday, Dirk celebrated his 66th birthday and at the same time our annual Christmas party. Dirk is a picture of a happy celebrant while the kids enjoyed the gifts, cash and parlor games. It was just a simple celebration but what is important is the essence of Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Christmas Gift

 I considered myself a San Pedro resident because i am a registered voter there and had applied for national identification card using our residence address. In our more than 3 decades of our residency there, it is our first time to receive a 25 kilo rice from our municipal mayor Baby Cataquiz, maybe because of the incoming election next year??? Anyway, its a big help for my children and we feel a little bit christmas spirit....

Friday, December 10, 2021

Belle's Birthday

 My eldest daughter Rose Belle turned another milestone in her life. She just celebrated her simple 40th birthday with family and close friends. I am very proud of her achievements in life being a good mom and daughter. I am a witness to all her hardships and sacrifices for her kids and family. I run out of words to describe her kindness, humility and the unending love and support to us her family. To you anak, May the Lord continue to bless you with good heart and wishing you more blessings and happiness. Me and daddyow loves you so much...