Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Our New Simple Life

 Its been four days since we moved from south forbes to here in san pedro. Its quite challenging the moving out considering the number of stuff we got through the years. But thank God it was smooth and we only brings the essentials and all the heavy furnitures was left in the care of my friend. Those things that we don't need are in our attic. Life is full of uncertainties and we never know we might return there. In the meantime, we're just enjoying the simple life that we have and i feel closer to my family. I think its God's plan for us to be near our loved ones and enjoy the simple joys of life. Anyway, we are still a part of the SF community and we can still attend events/gatherings there, we are just half an hour and a private message away. In the meantime, we still go for lunchouts at a nearby mall and we are still in the process of exploring more areas for dining and shopping. Its just a matter of adjustment but we are flexible people and its not a big problem.

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