Monday, January 25, 2021

Leila's Birthday Celebration

 Another January celebrant is our charming Leila or Lelang as we fondly called her. As usual because of the pandemics, they just have a very simple celebration with the family.  To you apo, happy birthday again and my birthday wish is for you to remain a good daughter and hope all your wishes come true..

My other grandson Von  (first from left in the photo below) also celebrated his birthday end of January in Cabanatuan city.

By the way, because i am not getting any younger and already considered a senior citizen, some pains here and there comes and go. I have to live with it, its very hard to see a doctor nowadays because of the virus. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Arianne's Birthday

 Another January celebrant is my all around daughter, Arianne. For this year, she did not plan any celebration instead Lhed and Buddy in Qatar ordered online her  birthday cake and jollibee treats. Happy birthday again anak and may you continue to be a big help to our family. May the Lord continue to bless you with good health and  a safe family.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January Celebrants

 Aside from my grandaughter Lyka who celebrated her birthday on New year, Jarred and King are also January birthday celebrants. Jarred had a simple celebration at home and he shared the prepared foods to our royal doggie King who turned 5 years old. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year Celebration and Lyka's Birthday

 This new year, we decided not to have a family gathering because of the new strain of corona virus. Anyway, we had two family celebrations prior to that, the house blessing and Christmas. My children had their own new year celebrations at their respective homes and also they celebrated Lyka's birthday. My new year's wish for my family is that may the Lord continue to bless us with good health, safety, protection, peace, happiness and covid free. 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Blessed 2021 for Everyone!!!

A very happy new year to everybody and we are all excited to enter into this fresh year and hopefully will put an end to the tough and challenging times we did experienced. I thank God that despite the pandemic we were able to finished Lhed and Buddy's house.  We are also thankful and grateful that we are all safe during the pandemic. It was really a tough year, mentally, emotionally and financially but our Lord Jesus Christ guide and helped us. May this upcoming year be full of blessings, new hopes and good times for everyone especially for my family and friends. And may the Lord continue to bless my family with good health and may they continue to be a blessings to others. God bless my family especially to my OFW daughters Rose Belle and Astrid, may the Lord guide and protect them always.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Our Doggies

 I am very happy to see our furry babies when we had our family thanksgiving outreach in Langgam.  Eventhough they are not anymore under my care, they still remember me.  Chacha is already old and got blind but she acts likes there's no hindrances.  She still  show her motherly love to King and they really love each other.

Christmas, Realizations and More

 First of all i want to wish everybody Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2021. This year was a very tough one, the year started with Taal eruption, then comes Covid 19 , series of earthquakes and typhoons. It was not a good year for everyone not only in our country but the whole world.  Our Lord gave his message very clearly, slow down, spend time with family, appreciate what you have, care for the nature, pray, reflect, help and make your health & family your priority. Amidst of all the things that happened, we are still very grateful that we are not alone in this journey, our Lord helped and guide us. Life must go on, we celebrated Christmas with family and friends, held our family thanksgiving outreach, celebrated Dirk's birthday and have our Casa ManaRosa blessed. I really thank God for the gift of  life,  courage, family&friends and all the blessings he had bestowed on us. We now live under the new normal and we will continue to explore life with God's guidance, realizations and lessons learned in this challenging times.