Thursday, August 13, 2020

House Construction

 Building a house in this time of pandemic is no joke. This corona virus has a great impact on everyone and affected millions of people around the world. Budz and Lhed's dream house was constructed before the lockdown, was stopped for a few months and continued last June. There are lots of ups and downs but we know God is guiding all of us including our workers who had to endure the sun and rain. It is now in its finishing phase and we hope and pray that our Lord will help us in the fulfillment of my daughters dream.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Family Updates

In our life, there is always good and not so good which happens in our everyday existence. Of course, i will start with the good one in which the business of my daughters are flourishing. In this time of pandemic where lots of people lose their jobs, it is very important to find ways that you can earn extra money. I am very proud of my daughters who are into online selling, from rosey thai products to preparing snacks for neighbors and friends. Rose Belle is also into Pasabuy or a personal shopper for a fee. Then we go to the sad part in which we lose one of our precious dog named Hoho. Though my kids and grandchildren are in grief, that too shall pass when another dog will give birth soon. And there is also this good and bad news and that is we are back to modified enhanced community quarantine.  That means we are back to strict compliance with health protocols and guidelines just like limited transport, closing of more shops to name a few but the good in it is that hopefully it will decrease the number of positive cases. Indeed this covid 19 is taking its toll in our economy and to our everyday lives. We need to pray a lot, follow the rules, stay home, washing our hands, follow physical distancing and hoping that one day this corona virus will just be a part of history....

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Hailey Turned Eight

Time flies very fast and one of my beautiful grandaughter turned eight yesterday. Hailey is our tik tok princess and at a very young age she danced pretty well. Because of the pandemic, they just have a very simple celebration at home.

I also wanted to share pictures of our three dogs as if in a meeting mode...

Monday, July 6, 2020

First Lunchout

Dirk was very happy with our very first dining out after more than four months. Physical distancing and other health protocols were also followed. In the new normal we don't share anymore one table but its fine, we need to live with it for the safety of everyone....

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Jaimee's Birthday and More

My grandaughter Mimi celebrated her 11th birthday under general community quarantine. They just prepare and ordered foods for family and neighbors. To you apo, happy birthday again and hope all your dreams/wishes come true...
Its been years since i set foot on our water station in Binan, and yesterday i was able to visit Aizza and her family. She is now fine after her arm operation because of motorycle accident, thanks God..
My daughter Rose Belle in Canada also send two balikbayan boxes for the family and i distributed it to them also yesterday..
Before this blog end, also wanted to share to you picture of our doggies in Langgam...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Helping my Children

I supported 1000 percent the new business ventures of my daughters which will help them cope up with the challenging times. Yesterday, i acted as courier and meet the buyer at SM Santa Rosa. Though we parked in front of SM mall, i was not tempted to go inside for fear of my safety because of Covid 19. I don't want to rush things, sooner we will enjoy again malling and shopping without a threat to our health...
By the way, this is a follow up post on my grandkids school achievements. Daphne and Hailey also achieved with honors in their respective schools. Congratulations to all my grandkids, with or without honor, for giving their best to step up on the next ladder....

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Kim's Graduation

My grandson Kim in Canada graduated high school and soon to enter college. Because of Covid 19, the graduation is by individual and drive thru which is really safe for the students. We're supposed to be in Canada to witness this important milestone in his life but was not able to do so because of the travel restrictions. Anyway, congratulations apo and may all your wishes/dreams come true.
By the way, my daughters/daughters in law become entrepreneurs selling beauty products online and Bel as personal shopper. Kim also ventured into selling beta fish and i wish them all the best of luck in their business.