Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Family Updates

In our life, there is always good and not so good which happens in our everyday existence. Of course, i will start with the good one in which the business of my daughters are flourishing. In this time of pandemic where lots of people lose their jobs, it is very important to find ways that you can earn extra money. I am very proud of my daughters who are into online selling, from rosey thai products to preparing snacks for neighbors and friends. Rose Belle is also into Pasabuy or a personal shopper for a fee. Then we go to the sad part in which we lose one of our precious dog named Hoho. Though my kids and grandchildren are in grief, that too shall pass when another dog will give birth soon. And there is also this good and bad news and that is we are back to modified enhanced community quarantine.  That means we are back to strict compliance with health protocols and guidelines just like limited transport, closing of more shops to name a few but the good in it is that hopefully it will decrease the number of positive cases. Indeed this covid 19 is taking its toll in our economy and to our everyday lives. We need to pray a lot, follow the rules, stay home, washing our hands, follow physical distancing and hoping that one day this corona virus will just be a part of history....

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