Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Dad's Day

Happy Father's day to my better half Dirk, my sons, sons in law and to all the amazing tatays in this world.It is the day for honoring them for their love, sacrifices and contributions they made in our lives. As they said today is their special day and the rest of the year is mothers day. And this gives their children the opportunity to express their love, adoration and gratitude to these special people.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Family Updates

Because our area is now under general community quarantine, i was finally be able to visit my family in San Pedro, Laguna. I was overwhelmed with happiness seeing my children, grandkids and our doggies. By the way, my youngest grandchild pretty Chamcham is now seven mpnths old. This coming schoolyear, there will be no face to face class for my grandkids and their school will now use the blended online learning so as not to compromise the health and safety of the kids. The parents has a big role in this new methods and hopefully, the school can come up with good learning modules. My son Andrew and son in law Joseph are also working from home and that is more convenient to them because they are just in the comfort of their own houses.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Grandkids Achievement

I am very proud of my grandchildren who excel academically but i also admire the rest of my grankiddos for trying their best this schoolyear. Kudos to my children for their patience and determination because without their sacrifice. their kids will not arrive this far. Congratulations again Jaimee, Jarred and Leila for all your work well done this year. Though there is pandemics around the world, you still manage to rise above others. Continue the good work because its for your own future.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Work of Art

In this time of covid 19, children get bored because they are not allowed to go outside. In order to make them productive, my daughter Arianne give some learning materials to her kiddos and also a piece of art that they should finish...

Buddy's Birthday

Another member of the family celebrated her 30th birthday in Doha, Qatar. Princess a.k.a Buddy had her surprise birthday celebration yesterday and of course with no guest because of the pandemic. To our last but not the least May birthday celebrant, our wishes is that may the Lord continue to bless her with good health, more blessings and hope all her wishes come true. Happy birthday again, we love you and thanks for all the love and support to our family...

Monday, May 25, 2020

The May Celebrants

They say those who are born in May has an intelligent mind and can adapt well to new situations. As one of the celebrant, we also think big, dynamic and more logical than emotional. Three in our family including me shared the same birth month. I am the first one who celebrated my birthday last May 10, followed by my grandson Andrei on the 22nd and my daughter in law Lheen on the 23rd. First on our birthday wish is of course good health and safety for the family and this COVID 19 will be over soon...

Monday, May 11, 2020

My Birthday Treats

I am glad that my birthday and mother's day is on the same day this year. I just had a very simple celebration because of the enhanced community quarantine. I also help in my own little way the frontliners by giving them food packs. We also give free mineral water, gave snacks to garbage collectors, security guards and elderly.
Sharing is Caring for the frontliners and others, many thanks to my children and grandkids for making this possible....