Thursday, June 15, 2017

First day in Canada

We have a smooth flight from manila to calgary and thanked God we arrived safely. Its Dirk's first long flight after his stroke 5years ago. Our body didn't recovered yet from jetlag but this did not stop us from exploring the area and the cross iron mall here in airdrie.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Queen, the New Mom

Our baby Queen is now a mommy to four small puppies. She gave birth today to five little doggies but unfortunately the first one did not make it. Hopefully all the remaining doggies survive and for queen to recover faster.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Weekend Visitors

My sisters and their friends visited us here last sunday. Its very seldom that we have visitors here at home thats why dirk is very happy to see them.
By the way, our furry housemates are really inseparable with each other. King also has his habit of stealing my reclining chair

Saturday, June 3, 2017

School Ready

My grandchildren are excited for the opening of classes next week. I can't help reminiscing the days that my kids are all studying. I still remember the hardships that we experienced because its really a struggle to send 7 kids to school in different levels. Aside from the everyday needs of the family, i have to think my of children's school needs, tuition, uniforms, projects,etc. During the time that i'm still working here, our income is really not enough. There are times that my kids was not able to take examinations because we are not able to pay the monthly school dues, our electricity was cut because we were not able to pay the Meralco and so many hardships experience. Thanked God our life change when i met Dirk who turn our lives 360 degrees. Now that he suffered stroke 5 years ago, we continue to serve his needs as payback to the man who changed our lives.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Car Hopping

Dirk loves cars so we went into car hopping in Alabang. He enjoyed looking and drive testing new and used cars.

Friday, May 26, 2017

My Doggies

Since we put a screen door in our main entrance, my royal babies are now exposed to the outside world. Now they can see whats going on and see the passersby, the only problem is that they still barked on the passing cars, bike and people....

Thursday, May 25, 2017


I'm glad that there are many educational entertainment center like Kidzoona around the country. The moment children step in Kidzooona, they naturally develop their communication skill, manner and tolerance when playing together with other friends. They learn to take care of each other, nevertheless enjoy every moment with friends. There are ball pits, big and small slides, kids can do role playing, dress up, there are all kind of puzzles to make, doll houses, push cars and bikes, building blocks, bouncy castles and more! Good for younger kids. My grandchildren really loves this place....