Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trick or Treat 2015

The southforbes halloween party was held yesterday at our multipurpose hall. The kids came with their best costumes following the theme, Halloween in Wonderland. Like what i'm doing for the past years since we settle here for good, i prepared candies and goodies for the kids. I also joined the committe where i took part in decorating the venue and preparing the kids program. It was a successful event and the kids really enjoyed our halloween treats.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Stormy Monday

The storm named Lando affected again our place and the rest of the northern/southern Luzon. We're in Iloilo during weekends but the weather there is nice. Going back to Manila is a big problem because of the typhoon and thanked God we're all safe. The supposed to be 55 minutes becomes more than two hours because of the weather condition. Kudos to the pilots of Cebu Pacific for the safe landing.

Farewell, Arvi John.

Last October 16 is a very very sad day for all of us because my stepson, our bunsoy joined our Creator because of dengue. My children was really devastated of the news that their youngest brother is gone. Last year, thru Facebook my daughter Astrid was able to find her long lost step brother and start reconnecting with the family. He was surprised at first but later on very happy because he met his real father and siblings. He has no idea that we exists but we all know about him since he was born 17 years ago. I treated him just like my own kid and we even exchanges some chats in FB expressing our love and concern for each other. He just turned 17 and two days later he's gone thats why we're all in shocked. Its just more than a year since we met you but i know you are also happy meeting your new family in us.I know that you're in good hands now with the Lord and you will be forever in our hearts, we love you, rests in peace Arvi.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Balikbayan Boxes

I was not able to blog last week because of my daughter's visit here but now i'm back again in the blogsphere. My family was very happy because of her gifts to everyone and it became double happiness when the balikbayan boxes of Belle and Astrid arrived in the same day. Those boxes are the fruits of their labor in canada and qatar. We are all very happy especially the kids and for me its a big help that i will not buy dishwashing liquids. washing powder, toothpaste, etc for a few months. Thanks again to my OFW daughters for providing us some of our needs.
By the way our four-legged housemate also has her share from the balikbayan box

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jaimee, our Quiz Bee Princess

My grandaughter Jaimee Antonie topped again the science quiz for Grade I students. We are very proud again of her achievements thats why a small reward from her mom makes her happy and achieve more.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Astrid and Her Friends in Qatar

Life of an overseas worker is not that easy, you have to deal with homesickness and the everyday stress at work. Luckily for my daughter and her friends, they seem to find ways to balance work and friendships.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Happy Dirk

I'm glad that there are mobile watch phones that has internet and serve as phone as well. With this latest technology i can now be able to reach Dirk especially when we're at shopping malls and other places. Because of his severe stroke three years ago, its hard for him to use a cellphone and this new gadget solve the problem.