Friday, May 20, 2011

Elena's Birthday Celebration

A very good friend Elena celebrated her birthday today at their place in Zell Weierbach. Its actually a late celebration attended by close friends. She cooked a lot and its a combination of Pinoy dishes, thai and german foods. I did go there earlier and promised to return with Dirk. But he is too kaputt to walk because of the golf tournament and too much walking in Pisa and Florence. His newly operated knee hurts a lot and he needs to see his doctor next week.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pictures...with Friends

Here are some photos of me and my friends taken this week...
with Lalaine, Aly and Lucy in the city

with... Ate Susan and her BMW

with Lucy at Palazzo

with... birthday girl Elena

with Lucy and Madam Jo at Rammersweier Hof

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Birthday

I'm sooo busy the past days that i was not able to blog about Mother's Day and two days after is my birthday. I just have a very simple celebration with my close friends. My kids video greetings was very touching and they even send me some fresh flowers. My friends, relatives, readers, neighbors also posted on my facebook wall their birthday greetings and wishes.

Our favorite Schwarz Hotel in Tirol, Austria also send birthday greetings in german.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag !
Wir wünschen Ihnen zu Ihrem Ehrentag alles Gute, viel Gesundheit, Glück und Lebensfreude und bereiten gerade alles für Sie vor.

Wir hoffen, dass Sie heute ein paar ganz persönliche Augenblicke finden, um abzuschalten, auf schöne Erinnerungen zurückzublicken, positiv in die Zukunft zu schauen und einfach den Moment zu geniessen.

Ihre Familie Pirktl & das Team
des Alpenresort Schwarz in Mieming Tirol

Zum Geburtstag wünsche ich Dir soviel Spannung wie Du aushalten kannst, soviel Erfolg wie Du möchtest, soviel Liebe wie Du kriegen kannst, soviel Gesundheit wie´s geht, und soviel Glück wie nur möglich

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Nanay's 5th Death Anniversary

For the past days, i really felt bad. One reason is the after effect of the minor accident at home. I'm slowly recovering but there's some strange feeling in me. I have some sleepless nights but its not yet full moon. I really felt restless and light headed until i saw the pictures of my family back home in Facebook remembering the 5th death anniversary of my mother. I'm too engrossed with my wounds and the doctors appointment that i forgot my mother's demise five years ago. Wherever you are Nay, you know that you will be forever in our hearts, we love you very much and i know that you're still looking after us. I will continue to pray for your soul everyday and i know now that this strange feeling is your way of reminding me of your presence in our lives. I still remember that you were buried on Mother's day and to the best mom in the world, this post is heartily dedicated to you.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Minor Accident

Last night, i was rushed by Dirk at Klinikum Offenburg because of the burns on my right hand. I slightly burn our kitchen because i forgot that i'm cooking something. I really felt depressed and i kept blaming myself. Its an eye opener for me not to do two things at the same time. God is really good because i did not panic and my presence of mind avoided further damages on life and property. God is great because he gave me a very understanding and loving schatz.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Afternoon with Friends

After work, its time to enjoy hot waffle and apple strudel with ice cream on the sides.