Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food Shopping with Joy

Joy and me lived in a small village where there are some family-owned stores. They have their own farms and sells fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat products and freshly wooden-baked breads or brot. Thats where we started our food shopping today before driving to Edeka for other house needs.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Remote Parenting

Raising a big family is complicated enough but it's even more difficult for single parents struggling to make ends meet and managing a family from a distance. Thanks to the new technologies, cellphone, computers, web cam and networking sites like facebook, remote parenting becomes easy. I know that my relationship with my children is constantly changing and evolving. Being a single/remote mom is not an easy job but many women succeeded in it. While they need more my presence than my presents to them, i make them understand that i need to make a lot of sacrifice for their own future. For me education is the best gift that i ever gave them, thus leaving them two legacies, their roots and the other is wings.

My children from eldest to youngest

Friday, March 18, 2011

Revisiting Müllheim

The last time i've been to this city was twenty years ago when my mother was still alive. And today, i set foot again in this town in Baden Württemberg in southern Germany. The place lies between the Rhine valley and the black forest with hills devoted largely to vineyards. Let me show you some interesting features of the area.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Myra's Birthday

Last friday, while Japan is experiencing aftershocks brought about by strong earthquake and tsunami, my youngest sister Myra in the Philippines is celebrating her birthday. Our family and close friends came in full force to celebrate with her but in the midst of happiness came sadness because of the devastation and the tsunamin warning that evening. As we wish her all the best for her birthday, let's also pray for the victims in Japan.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Life, My Blog

I really miss blogging during the time that i'm sick. It's part of my daily life and its one of my way to reach my family and friends back home. So many things happened in the past, Dirk and me got sick, devastation and radiation fear in Japan and other non-bloggable offline happenings. Since our arrival from the Philippines two weeks ago, Dirk's motorcyle don't want to start so he used his benz going to and from the golf course and private pool for his sports regimen. Yesterday, he decided to borrow a small trailer to bring his motorcyle to the repair shop. Then the owner tried to start it and alas, it starts. Dirk was very happy being reunited with his toy and at the same time save on repair cost.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not in the Blogging Mode

I just dont have time for blogging and other on-line stuff its because offline, cool mom is sick as well. After Dirk got sick, its my turn to get fever, colds and flu. I am in bed the whole day yesterday because of dizziness and muscle pain. Its my first time to be sick like this in Germany and i suddenly remember my departed mother who always comforted me when i'm sick before. Slowly, i will be in the right track again.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dirk is Sick

After our Vienna sojourn, we came home to a very cold house because the heater is not properly working. Its already late to call the repair service so Dirk started the fireplace to temporary warm the house. Its good that our water bed is warm and it became my comfort zone. Outside our bedroom is still very cold so Dirk tried to repair the kaputt heater in the middle of the night and at the same time putting woods inside the fireplace. In the morning the repair guy came, solve the heating problem but Dirk got sick. He visited the doctor today and look at his medicines below. Gute besserung Schatz.