Friday, August 7, 2009

Family Friends

Tomorrow, the Filipino Service is going to pick up our balikbayan boxes. So, i drive to the city for my last-minute shopping where I saw some family friends. I also buy some toys for my grandchildren and house decors for our retirement house.

The couples are a picture of happiness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Friends and the City

Now i can feel the peak of summer here in Germany. It's so hot and humid and the rashes in my skin is now visible. It's a nightmare because of my skin allergy. But the sun scare doesnt stopped me from visiting my friends and browsing around the city. I just do some window shopping, i have to control my shoppingitis.

We visited Grace at her place and have dinner together.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Productive Week

Finally, the window that we ordered a month ago at Hela is now finished. Dirk miscounted the number of windows of our retirement house so we're busy the past days preparing it for shipment to the Philippines.

The window was more or less 70 kilos and its good that a family friend, Michael König was kind enough to lent us his company truck.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer is Back

I thought summer is already gone because for the past days its always raining. But i'm wrong, summer is back with a vengeance. The town is now again full of shoppers and the ice cream parlors were a hit. People are taking advantage of the summer sale and its also the start of the summer vacation for students.

I also shopped for some of my food needs at Thai Shop. On the way home, i encountered two hidden cameras in the bushes. It's good that i was warned by the passing motorists but i was surprised on the second one, so i brake hard and the eggs that i bought broke. So i ended up eating the broken eggs for dinner.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Disaster Baking

Pan de sal is a favorite bread bun eaten in the Philippines usually for breakfast. I really love this bread and i miss it so much here in Germany. I really take time to research on how to bake pandesal. There are lots of receipes available but i only tried the simple one.

I don't have a break maker so i just use the mixer to mix all the ingredients. It turned out to be a disaster, unsuccessful, failure call it whatever. It's just nice in the picture but you cannot eat it because its hard. But i will keep on trying, there's no harm in trying it again for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th....and so on, i will never give up.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Noodle Box

Everytime i am in the town to shop, i always pass by a food store named nudel box. I'm really curious what's in there so i tried to taste their noodles. To my surprise, its only one kind of noodle and six different sauces.

The boxes to choose are small, medium and large. I tried only the small box and the carbonara sauce. The portion is just enough for me and it also taste good. Next time, i'm going to try other sauces. I'm really a noodle person, i eat it alternately with rice.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Trip down Memory Lane

My daughter astrid send me this wedding picture of my eldest sister in the late 60's. I suddenly remembered my parents being together in a family affair. Though, we were born out of wedlock, my father is a responsible man. My eldest sister got married at the age of 18 and my mother really decided not to attend her wedding.

My mother was disappointed because she wanted my sister to finish first her studies. On the day of the wedding, my mother was still at home while the guests and the whole entourage were already in the church. Thanks to the convincing power of a relative, the wedding pushed through as planned.