Monday, July 27, 2009

Noodle Box

Everytime i am in the town to shop, i always pass by a food store named nudel box. I'm really curious what's in there so i tried to taste their noodles. To my surprise, its only one kind of noodle and six different sauces.

The boxes to choose are small, medium and large. I tried only the small box and the carbonara sauce. The portion is just enough for me and it also taste good. Next time, i'm going to try other sauces. I'm really a noodle person, i eat it alternately with rice.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Trip down Memory Lane

My daughter astrid send me this wedding picture of my eldest sister in the late 60's. I suddenly remembered my parents being together in a family affair. Though, we were born out of wedlock, my father is a responsible man. My eldest sister got married at the age of 18 and my mother really decided not to attend her wedding.

My mother was disappointed because she wanted my sister to finish first her studies. On the day of the wedding, my mother was still at home while the guests and the whole entourage were already in the church. Thanks to the convincing power of a relative, the wedding pushed through as planned.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Sudden Storm

The other day, we were surprised that after a sunny morning, it became dark at midday. Then suddenly, heavy rains with small ice and strong winds hit our area. It lasted for about 20 minutes and after the sudden storm, many trees fell on the street and even on cars.

For a while there's no telephone connection and satellite TV, but it restored after some minutes. We were really surprised and its the first time that water enter our winter garden. Our garbage bin is also now full because of the collected leaves after the storm.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Lady of Manaoag

Last week, Our Lady of Manaoag also a title given to our blessed Virgin, visited my grandson's school, Mater Ecclesiae. She is the patroness of the sick, the helpless and the needy.

The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag purportedly has a long history of miraculous and pious events that are duplicated in the murals all over the church. This is done so that the events will never be forgotten. Devotees, coming from all over the globe, have various reasons for visiting the place among which are pleas for health restoration, good voyage, or better fate.

The statue of Our Lady of Manaoag is considered to be priceless because of the great identity it brings to the province of Pangasinan, but more interestingly because of its jeweled crown.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An Afternoon with Friends

Because of our on-going house construction, we're going to send more balikbayan boxes filled with house stuff. I run out of package tape so i decided to drive to the city to buy at least ten rolls.

While browsing around, i saw some friends and spend some time with them.

We have some kind of food trip, we started at mcdonalds, then to turkish restaurant and ended up at palazzo, an ice cream parlor in the heart of the city.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mallorca Getaway

It's really a dream come true for my german brother here to have a summer spanish getaway. His newfound haven is located in mallorca,spain, just 3 hours away from Germany.

His property had a common swimming pool with sunny terraces and direct sea access. It
is also fully furnished.

The well-kept landscaped garden of this peaceful property will make you feel you have reached paradise.

The area gives an amazing views over the open seas and the coast

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Rainy Floh Markt

I really forgot that there is a scheduled flea market today, otherwise, i could have bring my pangga (my car) for my shopping. While waiting for my best friends in the city, i browsed around markplatz hoping that i can find something rare for our new house.

I was dissapointed because there are only few stalls there because of the bad weather. But i was able to find something for our kitchen, a small porcelain coffee set. And my camera capture the lady walking with her left hand reaching her behind.