Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year !!!

 Just a few more hours and it will be 2023 and i would say that there are lots of not so good happened this year, but God is great, it just strengthened our faith and i felt HIS presence during our difficult times. I'm still very thankful that i am still alive and despite our struggles, HE still gave us more blessings. We just hope that this coming new year will bring more happiness, love, success, good health, safety, good life  and peace not only to our family but to everyone. By the way, we start our last day of the year by receiving food deliveries from my kiddos in Qatar and here in San Pedro. Thanks a lot, you made me and your Uncle Dirk very happy. One thing that i am very grateful to our Lord is that HE gave me a loving and respectful children. I am really not that showy with my feelings but deep inside me, my kids and my family are my life and everything.

By the way, i also attended the general assembly and christmas party for senior citizen of Calendola Village and St. Raymond Homes. It was a good feeling seeing those co seniors enjoying the party. 

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