Saturday, May 4, 2019


Our charing turned ten years old last May 3. She is a very good and behaved furrypet who always brings joy every time we get home because of her wagging tail.
Update on Kingking - For the second time in a week, our Kingking got confined at D Saints veterinary clinic in Paseo de Santa Rosa. He stayed there for three nights and 4days and just with a little improvement i decided to bring him home. I just took care of him giving him his medicines but i realized Kingking is giving me a message which i always ignore. Probably he wanted me to stop giving him medicines to relaxed his stomach for a while. His blood infection is so severe that he continuously vomit and has bloody diarrhea. His puppy look seems to be begging for him to recover on his own. So i stop giving him antibiotics, probiotics, supplement, IV water and force feeding. I just let him sleep and relax and after getting some power, he started eating little by little. He is not yet fully recovered but with God's grace i know he will still stay with us. I got sick last Holy week and followed by our pet, it was such a stressful journey and its good i have a loving family especially my daughters who helped me financially and emotionally.

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