Monday, December 29, 2014

An Afternoon at Nuvali

Today, i accompanied our good neighbor friend Yna for some shopping at Nuvali Solenad. She bought shoes for her better half and a working shoes for her daughter Em em. We then have an afternoon snacks at Max before our final shopping at Robinsons.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Rosas' Christmas Celebrations

Acceptance is the key why we are all happy every holiday season. We all moved on and my kids already accepted the fact that we already have our own respective families. They celebrate christmas with us on the 24th and christmas day was spent with their father's family. We are big happy family and we're just supporting each other. We don't dwell on the past and what is important is the present and the future.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas 2014

This is a joyous season to take a step back from our busy lives and enjoy time with our loved ones.The best present one can hope for this year is to spend time together. Wishing all my family members and friends peace and love this holiday season. May Christmas spread cheer in all our lives!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Recycled Christmas Tree

In one of my shopping errand at Shopwise, i came across some christmas tree made of recycling materials. It looks nice and also proves that christmas celebrations and decorations can also be cheaper.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pictures of the Week

It seems that Mimi is already stressed with her brother that she made a sign but of course its just a joke. My daughter Astrid posted in her facebook account her birthday greetings to her uncle dirk with their pictures together on different occasions.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lunch at Zarns

Yesterday, our good family friend and neighbor Remy invited us for lunch at their beautiful house. She cooked a very delicious Lasagna with garlic toast bread. Over a sumptuous lunch, we talked about our life here in the Philippines and some future plans.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Andrew and Aizza's Birthday

Today my two children Andrew and Aizza celebrated their birthdays with their own family. Eventhough we're living miles apart, we connect to each other thru the social media. I am just one message away and they know in their hearts that i love them so much. I just wish them both good health, more blessings, happiness and may they continue to be a responsible parent to their own children.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rose Belle's Birthday

My daughter Rose Belle celebrated her birthday yesterday with friends in Canada and though she is working there, my youngest sister also make some preparations for her celebration here in the Philippines.
My Facebook birthday message to her .... Today is a very special day because its the birthday of my lovely and generous daughter Belle. No matter how old you are, to me you will always be my best friend and travel/shopping buddy. You passed all the test of life with flying colors and inherited all the good genes and values. I am sooo proud of you and your accomplishments. So enjoy your day and may you continue your humility and hearts filled with love and always remember a Mother's love is like no other in the world... love you very much to the moon and back