Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Friend in Need

After forty years, i was able to reconnect with my batchmates and former classmates class 77 at Ramon Magsaysay High School in Manila thru facebook. I'm very glad that they still recognized me and proud of their achievement in life. While other are lucky some are not which is just normal. I was touched to see in one of their post that Eva is suffering a stage 4 breast cancer and needs help. Since they live just near us, i visited her and very happy to see her once again after soooo many years. Its not a nice reunion because of her condition but i'm there to cheer her up and lighten her burdens. My hearts tore apart when she cried in pain but she is a very strong woman because after the seizure, she smiles again as if nothing happened. I wanted to cry but i just controlled my emotions. I want this reunion of us to be a happy one and after some reminiscing and going back memory lanes, we bade her goodbye with a promise that i will appeal for help to our batchmattes to support her medical needs.
Eva below during healthier times, a picture of beauty and happiness..

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