Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Spinner in Me

What a surprise when i found out that i was one of the best spinners at The Mills Bowling Lane. For the benefit of my non-bowler reader, there are different ways of delivering a bowling ball and spinning is one of the style. This technique is very popular here in Asia where a spinner rotates his/her wrist around the bowling ball during the release, causing the bowling ball to spin down the lane. The axis will be tilted high into the air and there are lots of 'horizontal' revs on the ball. The ball will travel down the lane in a straight line, regardless of the pattern. The approach of a spinner doesn't really differ much from that of a stroker. The player just lets the bowling ball swing, where the timing is perhaps a little bit 'late' but the most important part in which this style really differ from the others, is the release. This release is called the 'helicopter' or 'UFO' release and a spinner performs this release with relatively light weight bowling balls (10-12 lbs). Hopefully there will be no more record breaker but in the game or whatever sport, we always never know.

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