Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time to Lose Weight

Most of us have a tendency to use the holiday season as an excuse to overindulge or to overeat. We have several christmas celebrations and foods are sooo tempting. So now its the time to shed those unwanted kilos gained during the holidays. On our part, we indulge ourselves with some sportive activities, aerobics and Dirk with the use of modern technologies. We also need to be careful with what we eat and hopefully limit our exposure to food temptation.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Zarn's House Blessings

Last week the house of a very good friend Remy and Thomas was blessed by a priest for safety and good fortune. It was attended by their relatives, friends and neighbors. The house owner also included the customary tossing of coins which is a very Filipino tradition that signifies the shower of blessings and the spirit of sharing luck.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Birthday Pampering

First of all, A blessed Christmas to Everyone!!!

Its pampering day for Dirk and me last sunday. The weather was sooo bad that we just decided to have massage, foot spa, pedicure/manicure and haircut for Dirk in preparation for his birthday celebration the next day.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Revisiting Tutuban

For a change, we took a PNR train going to Tutuban together with my friends. Its such a wonderful experience riding a public transport. Its very fast and convenient going there but as always, Divisoria is always full of shoppers from all walks of life. We really enjoyed the trip, the shopping spree but the sad part is seeing those poor peole living near the railroad. I just hope that the government will do something to uplift the living condition of the less fortunate living along that area.