Sunday, July 30, 2017

My New Computer Chair

Today i take advantage of the 50 percent discount on selected furnitures at All Home in Vista mall. I bought a computer chair because the one that i'm using is made of wood and the leg is on the verge of breaking soon. Anyway, it is also a relaxing chair because of its reclining feature.
Eventhough i put already an ironing board in front of my reclining chair, our kingking still conquer it....

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Grandkids in the North

While some of my kids lives here in the south and in canada, Anthony's family lives in cabanatuan which is in the northern part of the Philippines. But eventhough they are spread around, they still communicate with each other via facebook. Thanks to the new technology, it keeps them closer even they live miles apart from each other.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Child Motivation

It is very important for the parents to motivate their children in everything they do. Just like when my grandson ponpon needs an inhalator for his flu, my daughter also put the same to his favorite stuff toy. I'm really impressed how my daughter is taking care of her children. After all, she gave up her job just to be with her kids in their growing up years.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


One of our royal doggie is really just like a king, he always use my reclining chair for sleeping and watching TV.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Glad to be Back

We are back here in the Philippines and we thanked God for our safe and enjoyable vacation. My kids and their families are very happy with their presents from my generous daughter. Slowly our body clock is returning to normal and so with our daily activities. By the way, Queens puppies turned a month older and they are really cuties.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Family Bonding in Edmonton

We spend our weekend visiting my niece and her family in Edmonton. It was a nice family bonding where we spend the whole day touring around the area. Aside from our adventure, the best part is the bonding. Our families are close and we really missed each other.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


After almost 1 month here in canada, we now have 2 balikbayan boxes, 3 handcarries and 4 luggages ...