Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nuvali Houses

Last weekend, we were invited by our friends for the launching of Venare and other subdivisions along Nuvali area. I was really impressed by the new residential lots and houses offered by the Ayala group because of the amenities around. We toured around the area and was amazed by the developments which is also a nice retirement haven.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Remembering my Mother

Today, my mother is celebrating her birth anniversary. She share the same birthday with my mother in law and my only brother. I missed her so much and i know she is always watching us from above.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bowling at The Mills

Bowling is the easiest and enjoyable activities that we always do with our dear friends every wednesday at The Mills. Aside from the friendly competition, we really have lots of fun, laughter and the never ending girly talks.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Nuvali by Night

Last saturday, we dined with our very good family friend and his sons at Italiannis in Nuvali. Its very near our place and a primarily a small developing community. Its also a sight seeing spot with the rising commercial establishments, restaurants and a man-made lake full of kois. We're really very lucky with our retirement haven which is close to nature and metropolis.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Leila's 2nd Birthday

My grandaughter Leila Antonella celebrated her second birthday last week. I know my son Andrew missed his youngest daughter very much for he is in Dammam, Saudi Arabia working in a military base hospital there. Just like my other daughter in Canada and other OFW's, they are sacrificing a lot just to give a better lives for their families back home.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lunch at Army Navy

Last sunday, we tried for the first time for lunch the Army Navy in Nuvali. In fairness, their burritos and burgers tasted good. In the Ecoliving nearby, the people are very busy preparing the venue as reception for the celebrity wedding that night.