Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December Celebrants

 Four of my children are celebrating their birthdays in the month of December. Jr, the youngest among the brood is celebrating his birthday on December 1, Rose Belle December 7 and Andrew and Aizza share the same birthdate December 12. Though my eldest daughter had her celebration in Canada, the three siblings just have a simple celebration at Andrew's home with their father and stepmother. My wishes to all of them are always the same, good health, more happiness, be a blessings to others, remain grounded, respectful to others and always pray. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Surprise Birthday Party

 My only sister in law turned 67 last December 8 and she had no idea that her family prepared a surprise birthday celebration for her. She first invited us for lunch at their home but all of us declined because of a busy schedule. She is soo sad that day that she decided that she will just go to the mall. My nephew bring her to McDonalds and got the surprise of her life because all her friends, former co teachers, relatives, grandkids and kids are there. She was teary eyed upon seeing all of us and deep inside her she is very happy. The pictures below will just speak for itself.....

Sunday, December 4, 2022

House Update and more

 We're finally seeing the beauty of Casa Belle with its railings.  Fence and gates are not yet done and hopefully they will install it next week. 

By the way, Aleth my other 'daughter' from another mother visited us here at home. She is on vacation together with her niece who is also working abroad. 

My heart is filled with overwhelming joy and happiness because finally the Canada visa application of my daughter Astrid and Buddy has been approved. It took her several attempts but it happened in God's perfect time, God is great indeed.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


 Last sunday, i attended the baptismal and first birthday celebrations of Amira, the youngest daughter of Elliz&MJ. By the way, Elliz is the elder sister of my daughter in law Pau. It seems that i returned to being a kid when i am attending birthday party like this. I enjoyed very much their games and even bond with my extended family.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Casa Belle Updates

 Our house construction is now on its finishing stage and its more costly. We do it one step at a time because of budget constraint. Thanks God for being with us since day one to realize Belle's dream of owning a home.

By the way, King was rushed to an animal hospital because of his cut on his elbow. It probably stucked up in the stair where he always slept at and forcefully remove it. Its good that he don't need to be stitched up and his furparent is taking care of him.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Astrid's Birthday

 My youngest daughter Astrid turned another year older two days ago with a simple lunch/dinner with friends in Qatar. Last year, she was able to celebrate her birthday here in the Philippines with family. I just wish her all the best in life and continue to dream big, strive harder for her own future. May the Lord also blessed and care for them always because its hard to be a thousand miles away from family.