Monday, November 7, 2022

Visitors from Germany, Christmas Decors and more

 My niece Mary Ann and her german husband visited us at home last week. They came when i just finished decorating the house with christmas ornaments. This year, i just made it simple because i am afraid that christmas glitters might trigger my asthma attack. Christmas is really just around the corner and Dirk is very happy to posed at giant christmas tree at Southwoods mall.

Rose Belle's package from Canada also arrived the other day and its her christmas presents for the family...

This is now the new look of Casa Belle ...

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Visiting our Departed Loved Ones at Everlasting Memorial Park

 Today is the commemoration of all our dearly departed loved ones and friends. We visited my mother and brother's grave last  October 31 to avoid the flock of people on November 1, All Saints Day. We prayed the rosary and stay for a while and we know that up there in heaven they are watching us. We also prayed for all our dead relatives, neighbors and acquaintances, may their souls rest in peace.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Back to Baking

 Baking is one of my favorite hobby, i always bake when i feel better. For the past days, i have some episodes of asthma attack which makes it difficult for me to do some chores in the house. Its good we have Mang Rey, our stay out helper doing all the cleaning. We also get rid of some  things that triggers my asthma and hopefully i will feel better soon. Despite my condition, we were able to shopped at S&R and visit the site for house update.

By the way thanks to Buddy for sending us foods to go from chinese restaurant...

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

House Update

 Its been a while since my last post and its quite emotional that we are downsizing the number of our construction workers due to budget constraints. We now only have 6 workers to continue the work and thanks God the other workers was just transferred to another project. Its sad seeing them not anymore working with us because we also know their needs to support their families. Anyway, i thanked them from the bottom of our hearts because they are all competent and done a good job.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

My Brother's First Death Anniversary

 Its been a year and yesterday is the first death anniversary of my only brother. I was not able to join my family for the prayer  because of my doctor's appointment. Anyway, he is always in my heart and is praying for his soul everyday. My niece who is based in Canada surprised her mom of her arrival. They also drive to Everlasting Memorial Park to pay respect to my brother.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Grandkids Birthday Celebrations

 My grandchildren Daphne Antonette and Kieth shared the same birth date,  October 3. Daph turned turned 18 while Kitkit is now 12, time flies very fast and they are now grown ups. Daph chose a very simple celebration with family and a macbook gift from her titas instead of a grand celebration. In Canada, my daughter Rose Belle prepare a surprise swimming party for her youngest and they enjoyed it very much.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Casa Belle

 Belle's house now has a roof and its slowly getting closer to a homier look. While Lhed and Budz house was built during the pandemic, Casa belle already faced 3 super typhoon. Thanks God it was build with strong materials and no effects at all. In the coming weeks, we need to slow down our construction because of budget constraints but it will still continue only with minimal workers, if only money grows on trees, it will be finished. Thank God for guiding us in this  house construction journey and i am sure HE will help Belle realized her ultimate dream of having her own home.

By the way, my first born Anthony celebrated his 42nd birthday amidst super typhoon threats. Its just a simple gathering with our family as guests. To you anak, happy birthday again and wishing you the best of everything.