Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Grandkids Birthday Celebrations

 My grandchildren Daphne Antonette and Kieth shared the same birth date,  October 3. Daph turned turned 18 while Kitkit is now 12, time flies very fast and they are now grown ups. Daph chose a very simple celebration with family and a macbook gift from her titas instead of a grand celebration. In Canada, my daughter Rose Belle prepare a surprise swimming party for her youngest and they enjoyed it very much.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Casa Belle

 Belle's house now has a roof and its slowly getting closer to a homier look. While Lhed and Budz house was built during the pandemic, Casa belle already faced 3 super typhoon. Thanks God it was build with strong materials and no effects at all. In the coming weeks, we need to slow down our construction because of budget constraints but it will still continue only with minimal workers, if only money grows on trees, it will be finished. Thank God for guiding us in this  house construction journey and i am sure HE will help Belle realized her ultimate dream of having her own home.

By the way, my first born Anthony celebrated his 42nd birthday amidst super typhoon threats. Its just a simple gathering with our family as guests. To you anak, happy birthday again and wishing you the best of everything.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Dirk's Favorite Restaurants

 Dirk has a new favorite mexican restaurant at Southwood mall. The Fiery Style offered varieties of not only mexican foods but international foods as well. We did tried some of their best sellers and their nachos really tastes so good.

When we are in Santa Rosa, we always dined at Chicken Deli. There are lots of restaurants around Paseo and Nuvali area, it just happened that when we shopped for our house needs at All home, Chicken deli is just nearby.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Mama Mary's Birthday

 The best and the greatest Mother on earth is celebrating her birthday today. I always feel her presence especially when i am down, stressed and has problems. She always never fails me, always there helping, supporting, caring, healing and everything a mother does to her children. Happy birthday Mama Mary, we love you so much and thanks for always being there for us.

Fordy Love is Back

 Our other car, Fordy Love is now back to our home after spending a week at Casa Ford. Thanks God that only the external transmission was affected so they just change the parts. 

Update on Belle's House

 After two months of construction, Bahay ni Ate is slowly looking like a house now. The workers are now preparing trusses for the roof and also started the digging for the septic tank. 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Back to School

 My grandchildren are now back to their face to face classes in school. Everything seems to be getting back slowly to normal but we should still be very careful because Covid 19 is still very much around. My grandkids are very excited to return to their classroom and meet their teachers & classmates. Its really different from online class because they are more motivated and confident.