Friday, June 10, 2022

Drugstore Drive Thru

Drive Thrus are not only for fast foods but for medicines as well. Its a great relief for vehicle owners to buy their medical needs in the comfort of their own cars. Here in Mercury Drug Southwoods branch, cars always lined up which sometimes cause traffic in the area.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Our Plant box Project Done

 For the past weeks, we became busy because of our plant box project in our South Forbes home. Our workers also repaired the two bathroom due to its cracked flooring and we change it to tiles instead. It is costly but we really need to maintain our houses to avoid further deterioration.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Our Chloe

 Our picture of the day is my youngest grandaughter Clong clong as we called her, she is just barely two months old...

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May Birthday Celebrants and more

 Just like me, my daughter in Law Lheen and grandson Bridge also shares the same birth month with me. They just have a simple birthday celebration at home and in the mall with family. I am also proud of my grand daughter Lyka who got academic honor in their class. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Our First Harvest

 Now we are enjoying the first harvest, a banana planted by Mang Rey, our caretaker.....

Our Kind of Friday

 Yesterday, we drive to South Forbes for Dirk's swimming. I also visited a friend who is renting our house and do a lot of errands. While my car is parked at Paseo, i noticed that i have a flat tire because of the nail. I immediately drive to the nearest car repair shop to have it fixed. I really thank God for always guiding us.

Chloe @One Month Old

 Our cute baby is now one month old and see below her nice picture...