Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter Everyone !!!

 Easter sunday is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We are thankful and blessed that slowly, we are returning to our normal lives. But still we should still follow health and safety protocols because the virus is still very much around. It is the time of the year where we need to reflect on our own lives,  repent, live a good life, serve the Lord and help others.  We  should always remember that our Lord sacrificed HIS own life for us. A blessed Easter to All !!!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Kim's Birthday and more..

 My grandson Kim turned twenty last April 8 and had a simple lunch followed by shoe shopping in the mall as his gift.

My daughter Belle is now into indoor plants which is really a stress relieving hobby ..

Family swimming bonding ..

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Thankful and Blessed

 Its really very sad that me and my three sisters already had some health issues. Anyway its acceptable and understandable because we are all not getting any younger. I would say that we are still lucky that we reached this age. I am really very thankful and blessed that despite our medical conditions, we have a loving family that always supports us and loving us unconditionally. Since my last hospitalization, i lose 6 kilos because i need to be careful with my food intake. I am not allowed to eat all green leafy vegetables though i am really not into this, grapefruit and other related fruits are a big no, i am also lactose intolerance, i am allergic to seafoods, i also got some reactions to NSAIDs meds like alaxan, aspirin and penicillin antibiotics. I am also allergic to alcohol, sanitizer, dishwashing liquid, safeguard soap and all with antibacterial label on it. Despite of all of this, i am still grateful to our Heavenly God for giving us a good life, i can endure all pain but i know HE is always there to help me carry the burden. In this journey called life, we leave everything to HIM, we just hope and pray that we all get well in our sickness.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Hot Summer

 Its really very very hot this summer and the temperature even reached 43 degrees.  It is very important that we should hydrate ourselves with water, swimming, wearing comfortable clothes, we can go to the mall for a colder temperature, drink lots of fruit juices and most important just stay at home when you don't have important errands outside.

Meet Pepe and Pilar

 In our new place, we tried first taking care of goldfish but it was not successful. Then i tried buying love birds and we named it pepe and pilar. They are such nice birds that Dirk liked them very much. This make him busy always checking on them every hour. 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Proud Ommi

 I am always proud of my grandchildren who excelled in school academically. Its just another quarter and the schoolyear's online class is soon to be finished. Due to the decrease number of Covid cases it might return to face to face classes next schoolyear. My grandaughter Lyka seems to be improving a lot in her academic standing, hoping that she will maintain her grades till end of her classes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Grooming Time

 Because of the pandemic, our dogs grooming are all Do-it-yourself. Now that the number of Covid cases are getting low in numbers, its now time for our King to have a decent grooming. He seems to be cooperative and he  is happy because, not only he felt lighter because of the hot season, but his favorite daddybuddy accompanied him for support.