Saturday, March 12, 2022

CCTV Installation

 After Dirk's small accident three weeks ago, we decided to have a closed circuit TV cameras installed inside the house. In this way, my children can monitor our daily lives and i can see Dirk in his bedroom. They installed 8 cameras around the house and outside, dirk's room had audio so we can hear if he needs help. We are both seniors, sick and this is for our safety and protection.

Speaking of protection, my grandaughter Leila has her vaccination against covid last week. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Proud Grandma

 Good skills in basketball really runs in the genes of my sons and grandsons. Andrew received some awards before and now its Kim turn to excel in this game. His playing prowess develops in Canada but of course he started here in a small half court near our house. I am so proud of him for he was chosen Most Valuable Player and Mytical Five. Congratulations apo, stay focus and aim high, we are all here for you. 

By the way, i am really happy to shopped and browsed around San Pedro. Its my first time after my hospitalization and i am glad that i was able to do it though i am still not fully recovered. Laguna is now under Alert Level 1 meaning back to business to most of the establishments and kids are now allowed in shopping malls.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Our Kind of Wednesday

 Our relationship is more of a give and take, Dirk allowed me to meet my friends last tuesday and i fulfilled his wish to swim again at SF and Samgyupsal for lunch. He enjoyed his swimming and our korean lunch at Vista Mall in Santa Rosa.


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Dirk's Favorite Dessert

 Halo halo is a popular cold dessert in our country made up of crushed ice, evaporated milk and various ingredients like, sweet yams in cubes, sweet beans. banana, taro, pinipig rice, leche plan, ice cream and more. It became Dirk's favorite when we dined at Kuya J, Chowking and at Inasal. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Spoiled Mom

 Almost everyday, my daughter Arianne cooked healthy meals for me. Its either my sons, grandaughter or grandsons are alternately bringing my foods for the day. I was very happy that i have a loving family who helps and supports us.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Hearts Day Everyone !!!

We celebrate valentines day by just staying at home just to be safe and for our own good too. My daughter who is an OFW in Qatar send us a surprise red ribbon heart cake and chowking. To you my daughter Astrid and to my other kids who greeted us on this special day, thank you very much, words are not enough to express our appreciation, love you all.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Dirk's Everyday Routine

Since we transferred here in St. Raymond last December, Dirk started his day by walking around neighborhood. They already know him and some even befriended him. I am very happy that he adjust easily in his new environment. In the afternoon, they gathered in one corner and have a juice time with his newfound senior friends.