Friday, December 10, 2021

Lhed & Budz Vacation is Over

 Astrid and Buddy are now back in Qatar after almost a month of vacation here in the Philippines. I think they were really able to maximize their stay here spending quality time with friends and family.  For the first time, they were also able to stay at their own home , the fruit of their hardships. They are back to reality working again soon for some future dreams and projects.  Anyway, they were able to accomplish a lot of things from charity, meeting friends, hotel staycations with family, doing something for the house and more. From the bottom of our hearts, we thanked both of them for their gifts to us and their unconditional love and support.

By the way, i also have a me time pampering myself and a time for our royal doggie king...

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Family Thanksgiving

 Its been five years since we started our family charity project of gift giving. It is our way of thanking the Lord for all the wonderful blessings HE gave to us and we want to give back to the people in need. We thanked the Lord for making us an instrument to help those who are less in life. My family is very supportive from the young ones to the older ones. Though we lacked some programs like parlor games, raffle and feeding program, its because we wanted to avoid the transmission of covid 19. Pandemic is not yet over and we need to be careful especially in gatherings like this. Anyway, i felt that the kids and big kids feel the early spirit of christmas.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Our Booster Shots

 Last weekend is a kind of busy one for us because of some errands here and there. We also had our Pfizer booster shots done separately. I had mine at Unihealth Santa Rosa Medical Center together with our neighbor friends. Dirk had his jab at Ayala Westgrove Sports Center yesterday and its really a smooth process. It is very important to have ourselves protected and we are lucky that we experienced only mild side effects. This corona virus thing is not yet far from over because of the new Omicron variants that is why we really need to follow health and safety protocols.