Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Covid 19 Fear

 Corona virus is real and its really affecting a lot of people and getting closer to home. With the new delta variant, it is more contagious because of fast mutation among people. In our family, my nephew Jon was tested positive for the virus and believe it or not, he was not admitted to 15 hospitals because of full capacity. Its good that he was able to recover with the home treatment. Another nephew Martin is also experiencing some symptoms but thank God he tested negative. It is really getting scarier because everyday, lots of people died from this virus. It is really very important to follow health and safety protocols even we are fully vaccinated.

 By the way, i am also sending hugs and prayers to my only brother who is suffering from cancer. Its hard if people close to your heart are terminally ill, i just hope and pray that he will be fine so that he can still be with his family.

Cousins Bonding

 My niece Mary Ann and her husband Bernd from Germany is currently in Canada to visit the family. They started exploring Edmonton with Marivic's family and also drive to Calgary to see my daughter. While in Calgary, they did visited the famous Banff, Moraine lake, Lake Louis, Calgary downtown and more. After 11 years they finally see each other and bond to the max.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Daughter's Friends

 I lived and work abroad for more than ten years and i know the feeling to be away with family. Homesickness is always there and the best way to beat this emotion of missing home is to be with friends. My daughters Astrid and Belle are no exception, they braved the longing for home being busy with their respective work and of course spending fun time with friends. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

My Grandkids up North

 Time flies very fast, my grandchildren who lives in Cabanatuan are now grown ups and a little bit heavier. Argie, my eldest grandson is now a father to Chamcham and hopefully he is as good as his Daddy Tony. I loved all my grandchildren and always included them in my prayers everyday.

King, one of our royal doggie live up to his name because this is his favorite spot for sleeping. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Happy Birthday Mama Mary

 Today is the birthday of the greatest mom on earth, Mama Mary. We are thankful, grateful and truly blessed for having you in our lives. Please continue to help and guide us especially those who are in need. I am praying for the safety and protection of my loved ones in this time of pandemic and hope it will be over soon. Happy birthday Mama Mary and thank you again for always being there for us, we love you from the bottom of our hearts.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Lheen's Milestone

 My daughter in law Lheen added another feather on her cup by finishing Master in Business Administration. Hopefully this will help her honed her knowledge in her current work in a government hospital. 

By the way their youngest daughter Leila was biten by their dog and is really scared during the anti rabies vaccination...

Meet Migo, the newest addition to our shitzu family ..

Monday, August 23, 2021

Thirdy's Birthday Celebration

 My youngest grandchild Thirdy celebrated his 6th birthday with just cousins and few friends in attendance because its still MECQ. How time flies very fast, our clever and naughty grandson is now a big boy. I just wish him to be a good son to his parents and hope this pandemic will end soon so that he can stay outside playing with other kids longer.

By the way, my great grand daughter cham2 Aleona Mayamoore is growing to be a beautiful little lady.