Saturday, March 13, 2021

Simple Living

 We recently bought a new property also in St. Raymond Homes just two blocks away from Astrid&Buddy's house. It will be Rose Belle's property and we are going to build a bungalow in it  probably next year after the loan payments. We already start the clearing of the lot and we are going to put a temporary barbed wire fence. At the moment, it will be our mini farm and we are going to plant more veggies and fruits there. Thank God for another blessing.

Here in St. Raymond, we are slowly building friendship with our neighbors. Its a simple life when we are here and what i like most is the low cost of living here...

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Foods Cravings

 For the past days, dirk and me craved for korean foods so Bon Chon in Paseo becomes our extended kitchen. In fairness their foods taste good and we even tried their Bingsu, the korean version of Pinoy halo halo. We always have an early lunch to avoid people, its better to be safe. 

Anyway, i also craved for turon, and its a flash back to me when i saw banana and camote que because we used to sell that before when we still lived in sampaloc, manila. Selling viand / snacks is our source of income and i admired my mother for being determined to make ends meet.

Finally, Dirk is very happy because the IATF now allowed  65 years old  to go outside and visit shopping malls.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Back to Zumba

 After two months of zumba hiatus, i am finally back on the track. I was not able to join the zumbabelles friends because of my left knee arthritis and bruised right knee. It was so painful that its hard for me to move, anyway i am just happy to zumbond again with my friends. After the zumba, we celebrated Bob's birthday at Avery's house. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Improvised Garden

 Mang Rey, the caretaker of Lhed and Buddy's house did a good job of making an improvised garden in front of their house. Its mandatory under Environment law to have at least one meter of garden in front of newly constructed house. The house looks nicer with the new garden and potted plants in it. Every week we're always looking forward to stay in the house for a few days for a change of ambience.

By the way, its grooming time for our four furry housemates, Chacha, Kingking, Chaichai and Logan..

Like Mother, Like Daughter

 My daughter Arianne and me have one thing in common, we are both plant lovers. Aryan had nice collections of plants which most of it are gifts from neighbors and friends. Unlike me, who invested lots of money buying plants here and there. Anyway, being halamoms/plantitas gave  us a real satisfaction which are hard to explain. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

February Events and more..

 Two days ago is Chinese New Year and today is Valentines day. For both occasion we are praying and hoping to a better year and may love rules the world. 

By the way, we got our window screens repaired and  had the roll up windows removed.  Our soon to be neighbors also already started digging for the construction of the house. Its just so sad that some of my papaya trees which bear lots of fruits are now gone. 

Update on our doggies- our Chay is now blind but the good things is that she still has lots of appetite and both royal doggies needs grooming.