Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas, Realizations and More

 First of all i want to wish everybody Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2021. This year was a very tough one, the year started with Taal eruption, then comes Covid 19 , series of earthquakes and typhoons. It was not a good year for everyone not only in our country but the whole world.  Our Lord gave his message very clearly, slow down, spend time with family, appreciate what you have, care for the nature, pray, reflect, help and make your health & family your priority. Amidst of all the things that happened, we are still very grateful that we are not alone in this journey, our Lord helped and guide us. Life must go on, we celebrated Christmas with family and friends, held our family thanksgiving outreach, celebrated Dirk's birthday and have our Casa ManaRosa blessed. I really thank God for the gift of  life,  courage, family&friends and all the blessings he had bestowed on us. We now live under the new normal and we will continue to explore life with God's guidance, realizations and lessons learned in this challenging times.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Family Thanksgiving

 Our sharing is caring project is now on its 4th year and we are already starting to prepare the grocery items to be distributed to the people in need in Langgam, San Pedro, Laguna. Thanks to my daughter Arianne, her husband Joseph and kids for doing all the tasks. Also, i am very grateful to the donors especially my daughters Rose Belle & Astrid, my brother in Law Joey and Buddy, they are our family's team abroad. In this time of pandemic during this christmas season, we can make people happy in our own small way.

 By the way, when i go to Makati using the point to point bus, they are really very careful in following the health and safety protocols for the commuters.

On the way to San Pedro, i bought Puto Bumbong which i haven't eat for 4 years i think, so craving satisfied.

Friday, December 11, 2020

December Birthday Celebrants

 Four of my children are celebrating their birthdays this month. My youngest Jr had his birthday last December 1, Rose Belle, December 7 and Andrew & Aizza shared the same birth date December 12.  Though they are far away from me and because of the pandemic, they just celebrated their birthdays in their own way. I just wish them good health and may our Lord Jesus Christ guide/ protect them and their family always. I am just here to support and love them unconditionally.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dogs Grooming and House Update

 Our doggies are very happy because they were able to get fresh air outside the house. They had their grooming session yesterday and now they all feel comfortable because all the extra curly hairs are gone.

Astrid and Buddy's house are now close to completion and we are now slowly putting furnitures and other house essentials in it.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Daughter's Christmas Plant

 While i have a tall and colorful christmas tree, my daughter Arianne has a different one. Using her creativity, she has a christmas plant, not tree and decorated it with nice trimmings. After all, the spirit of christmas is not in the decorations but in our hearts.