Friday, December 11, 2020

December Birthday Celebrants

 Four of my children are celebrating their birthdays this month. My youngest Jr had his birthday last December 1, Rose Belle, December 7 and Andrew & Aizza shared the same birth date December 12.  Though they are far away from me and because of the pandemic, they just celebrated their birthdays in their own way. I just wish them good health and may our Lord Jesus Christ guide/ protect them and their family always. I am just here to support and love them unconditionally.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dogs Grooming and House Update

 Our doggies are very happy because they were able to get fresh air outside the house. They had their grooming session yesterday and now they all feel comfortable because all the extra curly hairs are gone.

Astrid and Buddy's house are now close to completion and we are now slowly putting furnitures and other house essentials in it.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Daughter's Christmas Plant

 While i have a tall and colorful christmas tree, my daughter Arianne has a different one. Using her creativity, she has a christmas plant, not tree and decorated it with nice trimmings. After all, the spirit of christmas is not in the decorations but in our hearts.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Certified Plantita

 This is just a continuation of my other post,  featuring my vegetable/ornamental plants and flowers. It was my youngest sister who motivated me to have green collections and was hooked since then. It gives me an inner peace looking at my plants and beside it saves money because i will not buy anymore fruits and veggies.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

My Flowers and Plants

 During this pandemic, a lot of people becomes interested in flowers and plants which includes me. I used to put plastic flower decors in our garage so that i will not be oblige to maintain it. Now, i removed all of them and changed it to real ones which makes me busy everyday. Its a nice feeling seeing them grow and its my stress reliever. Thanks to my youngest sister who gave me some succulents and the rest i bought it in the garden store. Anyway, its a trend nowadays and there are really plants that costs a fortune. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Astrid's Birthday Celebrations

 My youngest daughter Astrid celebrated her birthday with friends and colleagues in Qatar. As a mother, i am very proud of her achievement as a person and as a daughter. My heartfelt wish for her is good health and may the Lord continue to guide her in all her plans. She already fulfilled some of her dreams in life and we are just here to support her. Happy birthday again anak and God bless you and your friends always. Me and papang loves you very much.