Friday, December 20, 2019

Shangri-la Staycation

Dirk's wish for his birthday is to stay overnight in a 5-star hotel. His wish was granted because of our stay in Shangri-la Makati with my two grandaughters. They enjoyed the pool and other amenities of the hotel. We also had some shopping spree and this staycation, gives me the opportunity to bond with my two grandaughters, Leila and Lyka.

Doggies Grooming Service

Our royal doggies needs a new haircut and its good that there is a grooming service Park&Bark who did come to our place in San Pedro to groomed the 3 dogs. Last time, King was traumatized from the Vet clinic after his grooming so my daughter Arianne researched a grooming home service. Dogs developed more confidence and relaxed if the owners or anybody familiar to them are just around while they are groomed. My son in law Joseph is just there assuring the dogs everything will be fine.Anyway they are now shaved and happy with the people who loves and care for them so much because they are part of the family.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Andrew and Aizza's Birthday Celebrations

My two children Andrew and Aizza shared the same birthday Decenber 12. Andrew had his birthday celebration in Qatar with my youngest daughter Astrid and friends while Aizza celebrated with her colleague at Accenture. To you both, happy birthday and may the Lord continue to bless you with good health and hope all your dreams with your family come true. Love you both ...

Monday, December 9, 2019

Belle's Birthday Celebrations

My daughter Rose Belle in Canada turned a year older with a simple birthday celebration with close friends. She is well loved by everybody mainly because of her friendly and giving nature which she probably inherited from me. To you my daughter, happy birthday again and may the Lord continue to bless you with good health, more blessings and happiness comes your way, we love you.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Visiting Nanay's Grave

Last week, i have the chance to visit my mother's grave at Everlasting Memorial Park in San Pedro. I was not able to visit her last All Saint's Day but she knows that she is in my hearts forever.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Family Bonding

Yesterday, my sisters and nieces visited us here and Dirk is really very happened to see my family. While having lunch consists of pinoy dishes and pizza, we have a never ending talks about our family. We also reminisced happy moments of our past lives and our bonding ended up watching the interactive water art in nuvali.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Happy Doggies

I bought a new bed for Chay and a a cage room for King. Our doggies are now being taken cared of by my daughter Arianne in our family home in San Pedro. In as much as i wanted to take care of them personally, my health and my strength cannot do it anymore and besides i have a husband who needs my attention 24/7.