Monday, June 24, 2019

Kim's Achievement

My grandson Kim added a new feather in his cap by being awarded as Most Valuable Player in their school senior basketball team. Being his family, we are very proud of his accomplishment and looking forward for more awards next year ...

Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Dad's Day

Today i wanted to honor and congratulate all men especially my sons, who are working diligently to be good fathers. Its also doesn't matter whether they are stepdads, biological or spiritual fathers because they deserve some recognitions for their love and support to their families.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Back to School

Yesterday is the first day of school of my grandkids after a two month summer vacation. My eldest son Anthony is servicing them to and from school and we are all hoping that they will maintain their academic success just like the last school year. May the Lord keep them all safe and guide them always in everything they do.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Health Scare

I admit that i am really growing old thats why a lot of sickness is slowly showing up. The first two weeks here in Canada was really a struggle because of my blood pressure really going up which send panic to all my children here and there. I also ended up at Doctors Plus clinic for a check up where the Doctor prescribed a blood pressure pill. Its probably a rebound because before we fly here, my cardiologists told me to stopped my beta blockers for my heart and change it to a blood thinner med Aspirin. He said that the lining of my heart thickened which is the effect of the five years taking Metoprolol meds. I detoxed to prepare myself for the new meds and decided to better start it here where my body got a rebound and reacted on the blood thinner which makes my blood pressure soared very high. My anxiety also increased and my heart palpitates more. During those difficult times, i always pray to the LORD to help and guide me because its really an ordeal. I Thank GOD, Mama Mary and all my angel and saints for being with me and of course my family especially my daughters Belle and Astrid for their patience and constantly checking on me from time to time. Everything is not yet normal in my system and it will take time to return to my old self because its still a work in progress. GOD is indeed great and HE has plans for all of us.
On a happy note, i'm thankful that Dirk is going well and already well adjusted here....

Friday, May 31, 2019

Buddy's Birthday Celebration

Princess or Buddy as we fondly called her reached another milestone in her life. She celebrated her birthday in Qatar with colleagues and close friends. We just wish her all the best and may the Lord continue to blessed her with good health, more blessings and happiness....
Its movie time for my grandkids Jaimee and Jarred watching Alladin. Oh by the way, its not only for kids, the movie is also for big girls like Astrid and Buddy....

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Family Events

The youngest son of my third daughter Aizza celebrated his 7th birthday last saturday. Andrei was very happy that his wish to held his big day at Jollibee came true. The celebration doesn't end there because there's still a night swimming held at a nearby pool resort. By the way, my youngest son Thirdy also had his summer graduation held last friday. My three year old grandkid also got the Most Attentive Award.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Kids Bible Study

I am very happy that my grandchildren had a productive summer by attending a bible study. It is very important for the children to know more about God that will help them to be a good person in their everyday lives.