Thursday, January 10, 2019

Family Bonding

In our recent get together, our family proves again that no amount of distance, location, status in life, age can stopped us from being one once again. We really missed each other and this is one rare opportunities to expressed how we love and support each other...

Dog in Distress

While everybody are happy with the fireworks and all the blasts during new year, its an opposite for our furry housemate Chay. She really hates fireworks or any other noise and i always made it a point to cover herself to ease her burdens, my poor chay, but i think all dogs had the same problem...

Happy Ommy and Mommy

I'm really a happy mom and grandma when all my 7 children and 13 grandchildren are together in one very rare occasion. I'm very thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ and Mama Mary for putting us all together. Indeed, my family is my life, my everything ...
my daughters

Pictures of the Week

my grandkids now and then... time flies very fast, the toddlers before are now liitle boys and girl. My daughter Astrid really take advantage of this photoshoot because the 4 came from different places.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Family Thanksgiving 2018

For the past days, the weather is really sooo bad. It rained day and night but because our faith is stronger than any weather disturbance, we continue our annual family thanksgiving rain or shine. Thanked God the rain stop during the program, we all prayed hard for that. With our hashtag sharing is caring, we feed the families, gave gifts, lootbags and a little bit cash. We are so blessed and we find happiness and satisfaction in sharing our blessings.

Happy New Year Everyone !!!

In a few hours, the year will change and i just want to wish a prosperous, fruitful, wonderful, healthy, safe, blessed and a successful 2019 to all of us. We are so blessed and i thanked God for the continued guidance and protection HE is giving to our family.