Sunday, December 23, 2018

Family Outreach Preparation

At an early age, its very important to instill the value of caring for others to our grandchildren. We need to remind them that they are so blessed compare to other who have less in life. In preparation for our family thanksgiving, we involved my grandkids to prepare loot bags for 100 kids. Though there are some complaints, i think they are also happy with what they are doing.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Andrew and Aizza's Birthday

My children Andrew and Aizza have their birthdays yesterday. While Aizza celebrates her special day with her own family and colleagues, my son Andrew celebrated with us. We had a sumptuous lunch at Shakeys, chillin in starbucks and shoe shopping at Nike outlet store here in our area. Its really a different feeling when you see your kid get his dream gift and the bonding with them was indeed priceless.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Japanese Ramen

The weather was bad yesterday that we decided to have ramen for lunch at Kenji Tei japanese restaurant in Nuvali solenad. In fairness the famous japsoup really tastes good only it burn my tongue because i thought its not that hot, lesson learned.
After our craving for ramen satisfied, its coffee time at starbucks where we got our 2019 planner because the booklet which needs 18 stamps is already full...

Monday, November 26, 2018

Kulots Rewards

For the family of my daughter Arianne, giving rewards to her kids is always a must. Her children make them proud because of their achievement in school and deserved a day out at Mall of Asia.

Tuesday Throwback

Time flies very fast and look at the pictures below of my grandkids and how they looked today ...

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Dashcam for Love

Our other car named Love has her dashcam installed yesterday. In my own opinion i think all vehicles whether two, three or four wheels should have this camera for everyone's safety and to record what is happening on the road.

Picture of the Day

Our Kingking has his way of attracting attention ....