Friday, November 24, 2017

Weekend Play

I'm glad that eventhough my children are busy with their work, they still find time to bring their kids to Kidzoona for weekend play. There are also other interesting things to do there like role playing for future career path.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


meet Amira, chay's grandaughter ....

Friday, November 10, 2017

My Christmas Decorations

Christmas is just around the corner and its now the time decorating our humble home. This year, our decorations are just very simple just like the life we have. The real essence of christmas is not on all the nice things around us but in our hearts. Lets not forget those who are in need for holiday season is also the time for giving, caring and sharing. Lets all rejoice for the coming of our saviour Jesus Christ.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Bonding with Grandkids

I seldom see my grandchildren but i am always updated with them because of the social media. So when we held our annual trick or treat here in southforbes, i invited them to join the halloween celebrations. They came in their best pirates of the carribean costume and also enjoyed the loots from the neighbors who gave treats to the kids. Anyway, the event is my way of family bonding ...

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Miss Peace

During the united nations event in the school of my grandaughter Hailey, she represented the country of Korea. Our inday selfie looked great in her costume and won the title of Miss Peace...

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Davao Adventure October 2017

For the past days, i was not active in the blogosphere because of our trip to Davao. This time i was with Dirk and its his wish to visit Davao Pearl Farm. He liked it very much and he keep on saying that its really wonderful and we should return next year. Anyway, the weather cooperated with us because while there is typhoon here in our area, the sun is shining bright in Davao....