Monday, July 10, 2017

Family Bonding in Edmonton

We spend our weekend visiting my niece and her family in Edmonton. It was a nice family bonding where we spend the whole day touring around the area. Aside from our adventure, the best part is the bonding. Our families are close and we really missed each other.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


After almost 1 month here in canada, we now have 2 balikbayan boxes, 3 handcarries and 4 luggages ...

Friday, July 7, 2017

Family Life in Canada

We feel at home here because we felt the loving care of my daughter and her family. We are even spoiled because even if they are tired from work, they really find time to drive us around and eat what we want. We are just very lucky to have a loving and supportive family here and back home. We now considered this our second home and hope to be back here because this is where our hearts belong.
By the way even if its summer here, Its a law to open the headlights of the car all day long and throughout the tear.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Expats Dilemma

Filipinos residing abroad have all one thing in common, they love to make their family back home to be happy with any presents. Even their mindset are all the same, to give a better life and future for their family.We are just vacationing here but we always think of what to give to my children and grandkids. Thanks to my generous daughter belle and grandson kim for taking in charge. We cannot carry all the stuff so need to prepare 2 balikbayan boxes, all for the love of our family.
By the way thanks to my grandson kim for the Rayban sun glass.

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Bean Chicago

The cloud gate or the chicago bean is an impressive bean like structure that is a great place to take memorable snapshopts. And thats what we do when I have a short bonding moments with Dr. Ninya, our family friend in manila which I haven't seen for more than 30 years. They are now based here in chicago and it's really nice getting connected with them after a very long time.
By the way, I also become close to Deng Ada, my chinese friend whom I met in the hotel in chicago where I stayed for 4 days.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Canada Day

Today Canada turned 150 years and though i am not there, my family and friends took part in the celebrations .....

Lions 100th Anniversary

The Lions club international is now on its 100th year and as part of the Philippine delegations, we take pride to join the activities and the parade of nations.