Saturday, January 21, 2017

Family Day

I considered family day our 7th birthday celebration of my grandaughter Leila. I was happy to bond with my children, grandkids and my sisters as well. I seldom see them but we're updated thru facebook. Lelang was very happy with her simple celebration but what is important is the love of the family.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mother and Son

Chacha and her son Kingking are nice to look at when they are newly groomed.
They always sleep beside each other at night ....

Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Daughter's Allergy Attack

I am very much worried last week because my daughter Rose Belle has an allergic reaction after eating in a chinese restaurant. Its the sickness of the family because its in our genes and i always advised them to be careful with what they eat. Anyway, she is fine now and all the rashes are gone.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hailey's OOTD's

My grandaughter Hailey Jade is growing to be a little fashionista, look at her nice outfit of the day below... she's really so lovely

Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Achievers

I'm very proud of my grandchildren who excelled in school. Despite Mimi's hospitalization, she still on top 1 and even got a character award. Kudos also to Leila and Lucky for their academic performance.
By the way, Jarred celebrated his 4th birthday on January 5 and Lyka turned 9 on January 1

Friday, January 6, 2017

Royal Doggies First Birthday

Time flies very fast that chay's royal doggies turn one year old today. Even the vet doctor of King, Queen and Prince send greetings to them. The owners of BeautyQueen (Cruz family) and PrinceBida (Galleta family)also has their own way of celebrating the first birthday of their loving doggies...